Pictures from the Halloween Book Festival

By Jason Harris


Author Christopher Golden, the organizer of the event.

Author Christopher Golden, the organizer of the event at the ACT Theatre in Andover, MA.

The Childhood Horrors panel: (from left to right) authors Thomas Sniegoski, Mallory O'Meara, Paul Tremblay, Scott Goudsward.

The Childhood Horrors panel: (from left to right) authors Thomas Sniegoski, Mallory O’Meara, Paul Tremblay, Scott Goudsward, and Holly Newstein Hautala.

The Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Horror panel: (From left to right) authors Christopher Golden, Dana Cameron, Leigh Perry, Rio Youers, and John Langan.

The Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Horror panel: (From left to right) authors Christopher Golden, Dana Cameron, Leigh Perry, Rio Youers, and John Langan.

The New England Horror Tradition panel: (left to right) authors Jason Ciaramella, filmmaker Caitlin Kittredge, Jack M. Haringa, John M. Mcllveen, and Glenn Chadbourne.

The New England Horror Tradition panel: (left to right) authors Jason Ciaramella, Caitlin Kittredge, Jack M. Haringa, John M. Mcllveen, and Glenn Chadbourne.

The Anatomy of Horror: What is Scary? panel: (left to right) authors Errick Nunnally, Myke Cole, Sarah Langan, and Kelly Link.

The Anatomy of Horror: What is Scary? panel: (left to right) authors Errick Nunnally, Myke Cole, Sarah Langan, and Kelly Link.

We Get the Horror We Deserve panel: (left to right) authors Mary SanGiovanni, Brian Keene, Joe Hill, Izzy Lee, and Bracken MacLeod.

We Get the Horror We Deserve panel: (left to right) authors Mary SanGiovanni, Brian Keene, Joe Hill, director/writer Izzy Lee, and Bracken MacLeod.

Writer/Director Izzy Lee holding her short film, "Innsmouth."

Writer/Director Izzy Lee holding her short film, “Innsmouth.”

Author Leigh Perry/Toni L.P. Kelner.

Author Leigh Perry/Toni L.P. Kelner.

Me with author Joe Hill.

Me with author Joe Hill.

Authors Brian Keene and Mary SanGiovanni.

Authors Brian Keene and Mary SanGiovanni.