Pictures from Scare-A-Con New England

By Jason Harris


Scare-A-Con took place the first weekend of June at the MassMutual Center in Springfield, MA.

2016-06-05 10.39.33-1

2016-06-03 18.27.52

Sean Whalen (The People Under the Stairs, Twister)

2016-06-03 18.46.14

Steve Marshall and Jill Whitlow (both star in Night of the Creeps)

2016-06-04 10.59.34

Author Stacey Longo.

2016-06-04 11.43.48

2016-06-04 16.13.31

Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters, Grace and Frankie)

Freddy Krueger enjoying a cocktail.

2016-06-04 18.30.19

Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp).

2016-06-05 13.00.55

Jordan Ladd (Death Proof, Club Dread).

2016-06-05 11.42.31

The Massachusetts Ghostbusters.

2016-06-05 11.32.47

Michael Myers.

2016-06-04 16.05.27

Tony Moran

2016-06-04 13.34.35

2016-06-04 11.57.42

Adrienne Barbeau (Swamp Thing, The Fog)

2016-06-03 20.30.32

Tom Atkins (Night of the Creeps, The Fog).

2016-06-03 17.37.37

2016-06-03 18.40.06

Jason Lively (Night of the Creeps).

2016-06-04 11.54.42

Joe Bob Briggs.

2016-06-04 14.12.28

Me with P.J. Soles (Halloween).

2016-06-04 14.58.11

2016-06-04 17.37.13

Authors Matthew M. Bartlett and Tom Breen.

2016-06-05 10.54.40

Wrestler Greg the Hammer Valentine.

2016-06-05 11.11.40

The crew behind Fat Foot Films.

2016-06-05 13.10.44

James Lorenz and Patty Mullen (Frankenhooker).

2016-06-05 13.41.57

Butch Patrick (The Munsters).

2016-06-05 14.04.32

2016-06-05 14.40.09

Glenn Hetrick.

2016-06-04 18.23.33

Ernie Hudson.

Pictures from Rock and Shock 2013: Part 2

By Jason Harris


Author and NEHW member Erin Thorne.

Author and NEHW member Erin Thorne.

2013-10-19 06.32.39

2013-10-19 01.21.22

Books on the Shock Totem table.

Books on the Shock Totem table.

Authors Jack Haringa and Bracken MacLeod on the Writer's Studio panel.

Authors Jack Haringa and Bracken MacLeod on the Writer’s Studio panel.

The Fat Foot Films booth.

The Fat Foot Films booth.

2013-10-19 00.33.41

Authors Stacey Longo, Erin Thorne, and Tracy Carbone at the New England Horror Writer booth.

Authors Stacey Longo, Erin Thorne, and Tracy Carbone at the New England Horror Writer booth.

2013-10-20 02.15.09

The Shock Totem team K. Allen Wood (editor-in-chief), Robert Duperre (writer), and Jessie Young (artist).

The Shock Totem team K. Allen Wood (editor-in-chief), Robert Duperre (writer), and Jessie Young (artist).

The Fat Foot Films 2014 calendar.

The Fat Foot Films 2014 calendar.

Scott Wilson of The Walking Dead.

Scott Wilson of The Walking Dead.

Jimmy Duval of Donnie Darko.

Jimmy Duval of Donnie Darko.

Extras Needed in Worcester Area this Saturday

The filmmakers, who brought audiences Mourning Wood (you can read a review here), needs extras in the Worcester, MA. area this coming Saturday for a short film, The P.U.S.S.Y. Committee

Fat Foot Films needs extras at Green Hill Park in Worcester this Saturday, May 4, at 12 p.m. All extras will need to be dressed as Mexican thugs with gold chains, white tank tops, bandanas, collared shirts top button buttoned, high white sox, sunglasses, etc. (you must come dressed up.)   The filmmakers need the angry mob of Mexicans to run over a hill after the 3 main actors in the skit, the shoot will take no more than an hour.

All extras will be credited, which will be listed on  If you are under the age of 18, they will need a parent present to sign a release form. The P.U.S.S.Y. Committee is a R-rated comedy short film.  

This is also an unpaid gig, but the filmmakers promise that it will be a blast! They will be meeting at the Green Hill Parkway entrance off of Lincoln Street.  This is considered the back entrance of Green Hill Park once you enter there will be a little parking lot on your left.  You will see a bright yellow Scion XB, you can’t miss it. Any questions or problems, email

For more information on The P.U.S.S.Y. Committee click here.